Who is an intellectual ?
Almost all of us think we have an intellectual bent of mind :)
There is absolutely no problem with that...to each his own school of thought.
There are organisations that claim that they can certify you as an intellectual like Mensa. They have an exam that tests your IQ and cerify you if you clear that. It should look good on your CV and perhaps the interested parties can use this link here. You are allowed to take the test only twice. I havent taken the test yet, but am thinking about taking it sometime.
Is an intellectual the one that has his own way of doing things and does not care about the society...usually turns out to be a social misfit..( Ayn Rand type) ? or
Is he an influential thinker who combines his ideas with pragmatism and helps the society move forward ( Albert Einstein type) ? or
Is he the one with radical ideas that go far beyond his time and is denounced by the society as a heretic ( Copernicus type) ? or
Is he the saint, the philosopher, the inventor, the spiritual guru or the leader?
Or is he just a nondescript member of a society like the dhobi who washes your clothes or the plumber who fixes your tap or the programmer who writes stunning codes?
Or All the above ?
But what defines intellect? Has it just to do with numbers...a high IQ score perhaps? Can a person who doesn't actually tip the scales in an IQ test not be a intellect? Some questions are better left unanswered. :)
In this regard, Prospect magazine has come out with a poll that determines the worlds leading public intellectuals in contemporary society. The list has people like Noam Chomsky, The Pope, Yusuf al-Qaradawi and others. The Hindu report here.
The actual story and the list on Prospect here.
Noam Chomsky of whom I first heard of while studying a paper called 'Principles of programming languages' during my under-grad years seems to be the early favourite. The results will be announced in November and voting has closed. I just missed it by a couple of days. :)