Saturday, September 03, 2005

Is Democracy pulling India down?

A debate on NDTV which I thought would be interesting to have on my blog :)

What do you think?


Blogger Cogito said...

India's biggest strength is democracy. There are some inherent limitations with democracy but its yet the best amongst the alternatives..

Don't ever kid yourself that benevolent dictatorship will work ( Most people's argument) ..Remember the dark days of emergency .

7:27 PM

Blogger ada-paavi!!!! said...

our fundamental belif in democracy is our strenght, but our electorate who vote for a quarter and biryani are our weakness

3:56 AM

Blogger Ram said...

Corruption, in my opinion is the single most evil monster that every democracy has to fight against..and that has assumed mammoth proportions here in India...
Corruption and the multi-party system is what is hindering the efficient functioning of the democracy in India...

11:11 AM

Blogger Ram said...

And I do tend to agree with Cogito..I guess whatever shit happens..democaracy is our best bet!

11:12 AM

Blogger Saravana said...

Democracy in itself is not the culprit, for managing a huge country like India in terms of population and size, democracy is very much needed.

The only problem is a proper administrator, not only an administrator but a group of able administrators

2:01 PM

Blogger ada-paavi!!!! said...

democracy works agreed, nothing to replace it, but changes r needed, i suggest

1)no distinctoin based on caste\religion
2)no political party can demand special rights for seperate caste\religion, make it a criminal attempt to deman tat
3)politicians have to take some form of qualifying exam
4)eliminte all present politicians we are better off wit out these jokers.
5)no regional parties, a party shud have preence in minimum 3\4 the states to contest elections

5:53 AM

Blogger Ram said...

Anna Military...thanks for dropping by :)

And yeah Vatsan..what you say is the ideal situation. I agree with your 4th point. There are way too many parties for a voter to choose from. I just hope a better literacy rate helps us strive forward to a better political future. :)

10:00 AM

Blogger Vivek Haridas said...

Everything in its ideal state will work, be it Democracy, Theocracy, Autocracy and even Anarchy to some extent.

Looking at the emergency period, we should also look at the women's bill. The inability of our system to push through something as essential as that is a striking example of the failure of democracy. And there are other things such as rural - literacy, health, infrastructure, sanitation and much more. Everyone knows that it is important. But, wants are not matching the needs. And for every thing to be done in a democracy, numbers matter.

If Gandhi or Subash had not been autocratic in their moves, and we relied on mass consensus, we would have waited for another Queen or King to Rule us.

Democracy pulls down as much as it holds up. As much as communism assumes that no one tries to win the bread sitting idle, democracy assumes that everybody holds good intentions for the society. Democracy relies on the awareness of individuals involved. It requires people to believe that they are the essential link in the chain.

The failure of these axioms on which systems are built seem to be the cause of failure of all idealistic Utopian societies of communism, capitalism and democracy to some extent.

9:42 AM

Blogger Ram said...

@ Vivek: As ever, you come up with something that sets me thinking :)

11:14 AM


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